About Your Appointment

What to Expect At Your Appointment

Thank you for choosing Eye Care Specialists! In order to provide you with the most efficient and effective office visit, please read the below information:

  • Upon entering the office, please see someone from our Patient Care Team and they will inform you on next steps.
  • If later than 15 minutes to your appointment, we will determine if your appointment needs to be rescheduled after we have a discussion with the provider and we assess staffing and clinic flow at that time.
  • We kindly ask that you treat our staff with respect. The healthcare industry has undergone many changes and our Eye Care Specialists Team remains dedicated to providing you with high-quality care. If any issues arise, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to assist you.
  • Co-pays and referrals are due before seeing the provider. This is determined by your insurance carrier. Your referral may be faxed to (570) 288-7406.
  • If you are choosing to use your Vision Benefits, make sure that the office is aware prior to your appointment, so that we may verify your benefits.
  • For your convenience, we verify and bill your insurance company. Please make sure that you understand the plan that you are enrolled in prior to your appointment. At check in, confirm with the Patient Care Associate if you are choosing to use Medical or Routine Coverage. Routine Exams will NOT address medical issues. If there is a medical diagnosis you have the choice to convert the appointment to your medical insurance and pay out of pocket for the refraction and contact lens fees, or return for a second appointment to discuss the medical issues.
  • We have wheelchair accessible rooms, but you must be able to pivot at your waist to lean into our equipment. If you are not able to do so, we do not have the equipment to fully evaluate your eyes.

Understanding Wait Times

There are various reasons why the wait times at our clinic can be more than with other medical appointments.

Estimated length for each type of an appointment:

  • Medical and Routine Eye Exams: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Glaucoma and Retina Evaluations: 2 hours
  • Cataract or Surgical Evaluations: 3 hours
  • Pressure checks for Glaucoma: 1 hour
  • Laser Vision Correction Consultations: 30 minutes
  • Visual Fields: 30 minutes

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 1-877-489-7405. We are looking forward to seeing you at your next appointment!

Refraction Fee Notice

Effective March 15, 2023

There are two parts to your eye examination, which are billed separately.

  • The first charge includes the fee for the doctor to evaluate the health of your eyes. This charge is billable to your insurance company, and also to Medicare.
  • The second (vision) portion of your exam is called a “refraction,” which is a test performed to determine the best corrective lenses to be prescribed for each eye.

Although a refraction is a very important vision test, it is considered a non-medical procedure. Medicare and most insurance plans do not pay for this service, the fee of which is now $50.00, effective March 15, 2023.

We request that payment for this service be made at the time of your visit. Thank you.

Contact Lens Fitting Fee Notice

Contact lens fittings will be an additional fee ranging from $60-$200. The fee covers the evaluation of your eye health and corneal shape, measurements of the eye’s curvature, and follow-up visits to ensure a proper fit for contact lenses. This fee is separate from a separate eye exam and is dependent on the type of contact lenses prescribed and whether you are an established or new patient.

Prescription Fee Notice

Our standard of care for vision prescriptions is one year. In order to prescribe lenses, we require patients have been seen by one of our providers within a 12-month time frame. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact us at 1-877-489-7405.